Es ist nicht alles schlecht unter der FDP
Tuesday, January 4th, 2011
Die Amerikaner fürchteten sich bereits vor der Wahl vor den Datenschützern der FDP.
At times, the FDP’s fixation on data privacy
and protection issues looks to have come at the expense of
the party forming responsible views on security policy. The
FDP has been out of power for over 10 years and lack
experience tackling security issues in the Internet age. The
FDP appears not to fully grasp the transnational character of
terrorism today and terrorists’ increasing use of the
Internet and related technology to recruit, train and
organize.Wikileaks: 09BERLIN1167, 21.9.20091
Und wie sich herausstellen sollte:
At times, the FDP’s fixation on data privacy and protection
issues looks to have come at the expense of the party forming
responsible views on counterterrorism policy.Wikileaks: 10BERLIN128, 29.1.2010
Bei dem weiteren Überfliegen der Kabel fällt vor allem Frau Bundesjustizministerin Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger positiv auf.
- Die Wahl war am 27.9.09 [↩]
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