Lesetip: The PC is dead. Why no angry nerds?
Thursday, December 1st, 2011
Das Fragt sich Jonathan Zittrain.
A flowering of innovation and communication was ignited by the rise of the PC and the Web and their generative characteristics. Software was installed one machine at a time, a relationship among myriad software makers and users. Sites could appear anywhere on the Web, a relationship among myriad webmasters and surfers. Now activity is clumping around a handful of portals: two or three OS makers that are in a position to manage all apps (and content within them) in an ongoing way, and a diminishing set of cloud hosting providers like Amazon that can provide the denial-of-service resistant places to put up a website or blog.
Der Artikel ist eine Übersicht über die Nachteile geschlossener Plattformen wie iOS im Vergleich zu Windows. Und die Nachteile sind bereits heute spürbar.
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